Adding another small incision and smaller torcar, the possibility of added instrumentation was multiplied ten fold. Removing the scope, 5 small bullets were dropped down the larger trocar, and once again the scope descended into the abdomen. Using a grasping instrument, each bullet was found and placed inside unlikely places.
The first bullet was placed carefully inside the normal looking gallbladder, the next was inserted through the wall of the stomach. As the third one was located, a delicate hand reached for the camera. At this point, the great care and detail of each fingernail is noticed, but does not help the time allotted for this to be finished. In the few minutes left, before all chaos erupted from a docile situation, the rest of the bullets were placed and trocars removed. Without proper time, normal closure could not be initiated of the two small incision, so liquid bandage was employed to seal out the environment from places it normally would not go.
Admiring the closure, a small line of blood began from the side the smaller incision and was working its way down the lateral edge of the abdomen. Goose bumps formed adjacent to the line as it traveled. Using a finger, the blood was quickly stopped before reaching its destination. The taste was one of accomplishment and desire, and was a cause for a moment of pause.
Cleaning up in haste, and redressing her sweetness before she became fully aware of her situation. She was placed carefully into the back of the ambulance on a stretcher, and strapped in. Her intravenous fluids that had become depleted during the procedure were replaced and the doors closed. The roads were quiet, despite the siren screaming from the ambulance, as she was transported to the local emergency room. Just before reaching the hospital, the sirens were silenced and flashing lights ceased. Pulling into the parking lot and parking near the entrance, the ambulance was left with her alone.
Medical personnel began exiting the facility and investigating the ambulance to find the latest creation of an evil mind............