God Made a CST
And on the 200th day God looked down on his planned paradise and said, "I need a caregiver!" So, God made a Certified Surgical Technologist!
God said I need somebody to get up before dawn and prepare the operating rooms and work all day in the blood and guts, eating lunch in two minutes and then go to town and stay past midnight at their child's football game.
So, God made a CST!
God said, "I need somebody with strong arms. Strong enough to dislocate a hip, yet gentle enough to deliver someone's grandchild. Somebody to call the instrument room, tame cantankerous Doctors, come home hungry and have to wait because they get called back in for a little girl who was in a car accident. Then go let the family know everything will be okay with a smile...and mean it."
So, God made a CST!
God said "I need somebody that can stop a bleeder, plug a bullet hole with their finger while giving chest compressions, be able to hold a leg straight that's shattered in four places, and come up with a way to fix an instrument with umbilical tape and a twist tie that came off of the irrigator. And...who, during bike week or the Indy 500, will finish their forty hour week by Wednesday noon. Then, aching from "retractor back", put in another seventy two hours." So, God made a CST!
God had to have somebody willing to suture the patient with care and speed, to get the patient back on the bed and over to recovery so they can bring in the next one; and yet stop in mid-step to race to help when they see the code team race by.
So, God made a CST!
God said, "I need somebody strong enough to lift instrument sets and swing mallets, but yet gentle enough to hold the hand of a frightened patient as the anesthetics take them to dream land...and who will stop halfway to the cafeteria just to walk back to the other side of the hospital helping a family find their loved ones."
So, God made a CST!
So, God made a CST!
It had to be somebody who'd cut deep and straight...and not cut corners. Somebody to clean and sterilize, cut and tag, bovie and suck, clamp a vessel, drive the colonoscope, and tighten that screw in. Somebody to replenish the room stock only to finish a hard day at work with a five hour discectomy. Somebody who'd bring a family together with the soft strong bonds of sharing, who'd laugh and then sigh...and then respond with smiling eyes, when their son says he wants to spend his life "As a rock-star".
So, God made a CST!
Copyright 2013 David Wortman